Scholastic Virtual Book Fair!
Let's get reading Cheetahs! Please visit the link to find more information.
Attendance Reporting
If your child is going to be late or absent you may report this to the school by calling, using the App on your smart phone or online.
Welcome to Kindergarten 2020-21 Package
Please click the link below to access a Welcome to Kindergarten package for our school. Here is the link: Welcome to Kindergarten
Winter is coming!
Be sure to send your children with all they'll need to stay warm while playing outdoors.
What is School Cash Online?
Register for School Cash Online?
If you already have an account, please Sign In Here
Southwestern Ontario Student Transportation Services is a non-profit incorporation that serves as the transportation consortium for the London District Catholic School Board and the Thames Valley District School Board serving Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford counties and within the City of London. For more information, you can visit
The TVDSB Parent Portal allows parents to do many things including:
- Access to report cards
- Check attendance History
- Access timetables (High School)
- Complete online forms
- And Much More!
There is a short and easy video (Click here to view video) you can watch to learn how to register and sign into the Parent Portal.